Used software licenses

Used software licenses (or used licenses) are still the same software licenses as new ones. The only difference is the price. It is identical product, , but if you choose licenses from free market, you can save up to 80 % of the initial price.

How does it work?

Trade with used software licenses was declared to be legal

stated in the ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU C-128/11, based on Directive 2009/24. If you no longer need a perpetual, fully paid software license, you can sell it further without any restrictions

How much you can save?

See the indicative price list or contact us for the current offer.

1 mil.+
Sold licenses
40 %
Average savings
when using PREDNY SLM hybrid solutions
Years on market
and countless satisfied customers

Rules for resale of software licenses

In the EU Directive 2009/24/EC, in Article 4, paragraph 2, we can find a specific provision which states that the first sale of software terminates the author’s right to control its further resale (there is a so called exhaustion of rights).

In the event of exhaustion of rights, it represents a situation where the rightholder of a copy of software program places specific copies of the software on the market, thereby “exhausting” his right to control further distribution of this copy. If the conditions stipulated by legal regulations are met, the author cannot restrict or prohibit further resale and subsequent distribution of these software copies in the future.

Summary of legislation, case law and other views on licenses from free market:

Rules for transferring licenses in a nutshell

  • The first licensee purchased the licenses with the consent of the copyright holder.
  • The first acquirer purchased licenses in the state of the European Union/EEA.
  • The first licensee will ensure that the licenses are uninstalled, not used and will prevent their usage in the future.
  • The licenses were fully paid, not leased, by both the original and new purchaser.
  • Licenses are not subjected to any third party rights.

Only complete documentation guarantees a smooth software auditing process

Transfer security guarantees

In accordance with the above-mentioned standards, all transfers of licenses via PREDNY SLM are accompanied by complete and transparent documentation, incl. declaration of the first acquirers:

Volume licensing contracts

We trade exclusively with licenses coming from volume licensing contracts. Thanks to this, we can guarantee the origin of the licenses.

Complete chain of owners

For each transfer, we supply a complete chain of custody of all previous licensees so that the origin of the licenses can always be proven during an audit.

Screenshots from the original VLSC

We buy licenses directly, so unlike other "sellers" we prove the existence of the license registration in the original Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) account.

Transparency of transfers

We supply all identifying information of the original assignee for each license transfer, contract, license and purchase order numbers and all necessary documentation.

Security and audits

Buy-out processes are regularly audited and transactions are published in the bitcoin blockchain.

Easy administration

The SWTP™ electronic license management platform delivers a greater license management comfort than the VLSC/Business Microsoft accounts.

Beware of gray market sellers!

In addition to clearly counterfeit or stolen software product sellers (usually recognizable by their noticeably low price), there are also so-called gray market sellers who claim to sell “legal licenses”. Often, such vendors hide behind electronic software distribution (ESD) licenses, CoA labels, various other certificates or statements, which try to force customers to think that everything is legal and that they take full responsibility in the event of a problem. However, they know very well that copyright law applies the so-called presumption of guilt, when the end user must always prove legal acquisition of software license. This means that if the license proves to be illegal (or non-existent) during the audit, this user must, under copyright law, pay the author of the software the usual price for the software and twice that price as a fine. In addition, the user will have to pay the cost of the software audit.

So does the seller’s warranty matter? Unfortunately, mostly not. We know from experience that many dubious sellers will cease to exist over time. And if not, after paying all fines and costs, it is only possible to claim damages from this seller, such cases usually take several years in court.

  • Always request complete and transparent documentation
  • The activation key or CoA label doesn’t represent a license
  • The seller’s warranty does not release you from liability
  • Beware of unreasonably low prices

Does the dealer's warranty itself have any meaning?

Mostly not, unfortunately.

We know from experience that many dubious sellers cease to exist over time. And if they do not, it is only after all fines and costs have been paid that it is possible to claim compensation from the seller. Usually, such cases drag on in court for several years.

Other software (limited availability)

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6 (mostly in GER language versions)
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12c
  • Oracle Internet Application Server Ent. Edition 11g
  • Veeam VMware Backup & Recovery
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Microsoft Dynamics 2015


Frequently asked questions about license transfers

Is buying and selling used software licenses legal?

Yes, trade with used software licenses, firstly placed on the market in the EU or the European Economic Area with the consent of the author, is legal. The European Court of Justice ruled on this in its judgment on 3. 7. 2012. All relevant judgments of the European Court of Justice and national courts about the legitimate trade in used software licenses can be found on our website.

Do you want to know more?

What is the difference between used software, secondary software, second-hand software, or software from free market?

None, these are different names for the same software products where the rights to control further resale & distribution of copies of the software by the manufacturer have already been exhausted.

Do you want to know more?

Does the software manufacturer have to agree to the license transfer?

No. According to the CJEU judgment, the consent of the relevant manufacturer for the sale of used software licenses is not required. The copyright owner’s right to control distribution of copies of their work is exhausted by the first sale in the EU.

Do you want to know more?

Is buying used software disadvantageous compared to buying new software?

Software, unlike hardware, is not subject to any wear and tear. Therefore, used licenses are not functionally different from new ones. The buyer thus has no disadvantages compared to the new software. Moreover, many versions of software that are still used by companies are no longer available as new. The only way to obtain these licenses is through the used software market.

Do you want to know more?

Can I use my VLSC account to manage my licenses from free market?

Probably not. VLSC and other similar portals are manufacturer’s tools created for management and evidence of new purchased licenses. However, registration of used software licenses within this portal is nonclaimable and the manufacturer, as his right to control further distribution and sale of relevant software copies has already been exhausted, is not interested and obligated in registration or transfer of licenses from free market on his platforms. That’s why we have developed our Software Trading Platform (SWTP). SWTP brings you at least the same features as VLSC, and you can reassign licenses to new owners or sell them back to us. Find out more about SWTP.

Do you want to know more?

Am I eligible for receiving manufacturer updates with used software?

Absolutely. Even as a multiple user of used software license, you may continue to receive updates to the applicable software in accordance with manufacturer’s licensing policy.

Do you want to know more?

In which countries can used software be sold?

According to the CJEU judgment of 3 July 2012, trade in second-hand software is permitted in all EU or European Economic Area countries.

Do you want to know more?

Contact Us

We will contact you as soon as possible with an offer tailored
to your needs and provide you with any additional information
on your request
Our licenses in the media