Licensing Microsoft

3 reasons to get free market licenses from PREDNY SLM

You may be asking, what is the benefit of secondary licenses and why should we as an organization prefer them? It's simple, here are 3 clear reasons why you should choose secondary licenses from PREDNY SLM.

1. Savings

You get identical software at a fraction of the price. Moreover, thanks to PREDNY SLM hybrid licensing, high savings can be achieved even when combined with a cloud subscription.

By purchasing licenses from the open market, you will get immediate savings of up to 80% of the software costs compared to traditional distribution. This is certainly not an insignificant figure. You can then use the savings for other purposes within your organisation that you might not be able to afford due to the high cost of new licences.

See how selected organisations have saved money and become our satisfied clients.

Another benefit for many of our customers is the ability to purchase older versions of the software they need to run their machines or to supplement their current licensing infrastructure.

2. Transparency

A key point in licensing. To prove to our customers that secondary software can be purchased without risk, we are completely transparent with them. We always provide complete documentation and a chain of previous owners, all in accordance with legislative requirements. We are also direct license buyers and work with auditors.

The PREDNY SLM team is made up of experienced lawyers, so you can put all your legality concerns aside with us. We've covered more about this issue and how to identify legal licenses in our blog article. We also recommend reading the official position from the Office of Competition Protection (OCCP), in which our opinions and procedures were confirmed and can be found here. Finally, we recommend checking out Měš, which succinctly summarizeson its website why secondary software licenses are OK andcan be purchased.

3. Advice

In addition to complete and transparent documentation, we also provide our clients with qualified advice. Not sure if you really need the version you are asking for? We take an individual approach to each client and always recommend the ideal solution in a completely impartial manner with regard to cost and functional efficiency. Our projects for designing licensing infrastructure or optimizing software costs have already helped Czech companies and authorities save millions of crowns.

Want to keep track of your licenses? Do you know how many you have and whether you are using them all or paying unnecessarily? Licensing in larger entities is often complicated because you need to combine legal, economic and technical knowledge. With a licensing analysis we can help you find out where and how you can save money.

Now you know you can't go wrong by buying secondary licenses from PREDNY SLM. If you still have any questions, don't be afraid to contact us! We'll be happy to discuss anything you're interested in.

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