Identifying and minimizing cloud risks - the danger of cyber attacks
Cloud solutions play a central role in the digital transformation of our economy. But with the great economic opportunities that new cloud-based technologies open up, risks are inevitably increasing - for example, due to vendor lock-in, cloud sprawl or cyber-attacks from the cloud. It is not for nothing that the following two business risks have been identified globally as the biggest according to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2022: the fear of unauthorised access to central and sensitive corporate data and the resulting operational limitations or even operational disruption.
Currently, the Shadowserver Foundation reports that nearly 20,000 Microsoft Exchange servers on the public Internet (more than half of them in Europe) have reached the end of support, including Exchange versions 2007 (275 servers), 2010 (4,062 servers) and 2013 (26,298 servers). This creates critical vulnerabilities, including CVE-2021-26855, that make these servers vulnerable to remote code execution. Statistics indicate that many companies and organizations have not yet updated their servers despite the end of support.
Therefore, PREDNY SLM licensing experts strongly recommend:
Especially in industries with high standards in terms of compliance and data protection, such as energy, healthcare, transport and logistics or waste disposal, but also in public administration, many IT managers still consider the risks of total cloud solutions too high. Instead, they use hybrid cloud architectures or complete on-premise solutions in which cloud-specific security risks can be eliminated, at least for some areas. In addition, these scenarios open up the possibility to sustainably reduce ongoing licensing costs through needs-based integration of the software used, as the following example from LMT Group shows:
Result: With no loss of productivity, the company achieves savings in the upper six-figure range. The investment is recouped within two years.
We are the largest and most stable supplier of Microsoft licenses from the open market to the public sector in the Czech Republic. We always offer companies, organizations and public authorities a large selection of used Microsoft multi-licenses with which they can sustainably optimize their licensing costs and benefit from them in many ways:
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